Sunday, October 27, 2013

FREE EBOOK - The Hay Fever Manual


Free Ebook - The Hay Fever Manual

Hay fever, also referred to as allergic rhinitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, usually accompanied by a discharge of mucus), is a widespread problem that displays symptoms just like a cold with sinus congestion, runny nose, and sneezing.

Hay fever is the result of an allergic reaction to airborne particles such as pollen,not like a cold which is caused by a virus.

FREE EBOOK - Tinnitus, Tendinitis and Vertigo


Discussion of and Possible Remedies

Tinnitus is the term for a condition that is described as a continual noise in the ear, e.g. a ringing or roaring, usually caused by damage to the hair cells of the inner ear. Tinnitus may sound like ringing, clicking, hissing, whistling, chirping, and roaring. It can happen in one or both ears. 

How Common is Tinnitus?

FREE EBOOK - Sleeplessness and some Possible Remedies


And Some Possible Remedies

In order to fully function each day, a person has to get a good amount of sleep every night. Unfortunately, there are many individuals who find it very hard to get to sleep and end up tossing and turning all night. 

If you happen to one of these types of people,
then it is likely that you have what is called insomnia.

Friday, October 25, 2013

FREE EBOOK - Heartburn and How to Treat it

FREE EBOOK - Heartburn

And How to Treat It

Free ebook on The Causes of Heartburn and How to Treat It

Heartburn is a common problem that increasing numbers of people experience.

This condition is usually related to the individual lifestyle of a person. 
Spicy foods, fried foods, soda, cigarettes, and alcohol can all cause a burning feeling or pain in the stomach and chest without you ever knowing what is causing or has caused it.

FREE EBOOK - Muscle Pain - Information and Remedies


Information & Remedies

Free ebook on muscle pain - Information and Remedies

When a person mentions back pain, usually they are talking about their lower back rather than their entire back. It is not too common for people to experience upper back pain unless they have an arthritis conditions or maintain a bad posture for most of the day.

Bad posture is one of the main causes of upper back pain. A bad posture is usually the result of a job that requires that you sit in a single location throughout the entire day without having a break.

Read More in the Free Ebook Athlete's Foot Information Manual

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

FREE EBOOK - Athlete's Foot - Information Manual


Information Manual

There are three common types of athlete's foot:
  • Inflammatory: In cases like this the skin of your feet are affected by blisters.
  • Interdigital: Infection occurs between the toes.
  • Moccasin: Affects only the bottom of your feet.

Athlete's foot is actually a type of ringworm.

Read More in the Free Ebook Athlete's Foot Information Manual

Free Ebook - High Blood Pressure and Information

Free Ebook - High Blood Pressure

and Information

Blood pressure refers to the way the force of blood moving against the arteries is measured. The heart should not pump the blood throughout your body too quickly or else this could lead to many problems.

High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is harmful since it makes the heart operate way harder to pump blood to your body; this can play a role in the development of heart disease.

Read More in the Free Ebook - High Blood Pressure and Information

Monday, October 14, 2013

Free Ebook on CRAMPS and Possible Solutions


And Possible Solutions

Muscle cramps are unexpected contractions of one or more muscles in your body. These cramps can cause extreme discomfort and pain, which makes it difficult to use the muscles cramping up.

The most common reasons for muscle cramps in athletes is said to be dehydration and pressure to the muscles due to heavy exercise or sport. Physical exertion and keeping the muscles in the same position for an extended period of time can lead to muscle cramps.

Also, muscle cramps are generally caused due to a deficiency of potassium. 

One more reason may be the lack of vitamin P in our diet. Vitamin P is an antioxidant that plays a role in the function of blood vessels.

Read More in the Free eBook on Cramps and Possible Solutions



An Agonizing Condition which Apparently has No Known Cure

During a person's life, he or she can get sick again and again with various things that can harm the body. Even a minor illness can have a negative effect on our body's performance. When we are not able to do our jobs and carry out our responsibilities well; occasionally we just stay in bed in bed and relax until we get better or at least feel better.

Many of us try to live a healthy life by an eating nutritious diet, working out, and taking multivitamin health supplements as recommended by a doctor just to stay away from potential illnesses.

However, what if you are troubled with an agonizing condition which apparently has no known cure? This is actually the simple fact about arthritis conditions, a severe and awful problem that generally has an effect on the muscles, joints, and bones. 

Free eBook on The Different Types of Heavy Metals


And Which Nutrients Can Help

Your body needs various minerals and vitamins to maintain health, and as with anything, a lot of one thing can be poisonous for us. This is especially true with metals. Metals like zinc, cobalt, iron, manganese, and copper are important to our health in small portions.

Heavy metals that accumulate in the human body can be found in our water supply, environment and other locations, as a result a complete background of a person's life and routines would help figure out possible heavy metal causes. There are many symptoms that can result from heavy metal poisoning. 

Signs of heavy metal poisoning can involve poor brain function, muscle pain, joint aches, headaches, lack of focus, stomach problems, sudden food allergies, exhaustion, as well as others. The signs are so unapparent that it is said to be hard to detect by the symptoms alone.

Thursday, October 10, 2013



Microorganisms, also known as effective microorganisms or beneficial microorganism, are something you've probably heard about before, especially when it comes to organic products for cleaning and lawn care.

What Exactly Are Effective Microorganisms?
These types of microbes are a collection of facultative anaerobic organisms within a liquid culture that can offer many benefits for a lawn or garden when mixed together in particular quantities. 

Facultative anaerobic organisms are forms of microbes that thrive in conditions where oxygen is present, even if there is only a low amount. They are also known as fermenting microorganisms and several of them are used in producing your beer, yogurt, wine, and bread.